The story begins with Lily (a white teen) and her devastating relationship with her father T.Ray during a highly discriminative time period in the south. Her mom is dead, and left alone with her father, because Lily accidentally shot her. Rosaleen is like her mother figure. Upon finding out that African Americans could register to vote, Rosaleen goes off into the city with Lily. As they were traveling there they encountered dramatic situations. Rosaleen gets thrown in jail because she wouldnt "show respect a white man". Lily runs away from home to go help Rosaleen and they ended up running away to South Carolina. In a photo of Lily's mom there was "Tiburon" which is located in South Carolina. She decides to go to Tiburon to learn more about her mother. She and Rosalee gets to a pink house where she meets the Boatwriqht sisters. August, the eldest, agrees to let them stay with the sisters until they get in contact with Lily's "aunt".
"When I put on my shoes and headed back, the light poured down in shafts, and I wanted it to always be like this- no T.Ray, no Mr. Gaston, nobody wanting to beat Rosaleen senseless. Just the rain-cleaned woods and the rising light" (Kidd 81).
The morning after she temporarily moves into the Boatwright sister's honey house. Shes taking every thing in and appreciating the fact that she does not have to live a horrible life with T.Ray. From now on she knows that shes going to live a happier life. She does not have to deal with T.ray, Mr. Gaston or anybody who wants to hurt her or Rosaleen. The cleaned woods and rising light symbolizes a new life and hope.
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nice work with symbolism, watch fragments