Thursday, December 17, 2009

CANDY 231-279

At this point of the story, Joe is still obsessing over Candy and acts immature at times because of it; however he actually realizes that hes acting childish now. Theres a foreshadowing in the story, "'OK, but just remember one thing-- whatever feelings she has for you, they won't be as strong as the feelings she has for heroin. If you want to help her, you might have to lose her'
'At the time, I didn't know what he meant, but I found out later that he was right. Maybe not in the way he intended, but I don't suppose that matters. He was right, intentionally or not... He was right'" (Brooks 240). This quote got me thinking that Candy may die (I hope not). Candy had no where to go and Joe wanted her to stay with him in his old family cottage. She finally agreed and when they got to the cottage one part made me laugh... Joe was trying to find candles because it was really dark inside and he got side tracked and began making duck shadows and quacking. you can obviously see a difference in maturity when Candy told him to hurry and find the candles. While they drank tea and relaxed, Candy told him about how heroin is like oxygen to her. Without it shes scared of what could happen. Inside, Joe hated heroin for taking Candy "away from me". Finally Joe felt that she may need to use again so he allowed her to in the cottage and he says it was the last time he seen her smile. She told Joe not to give into her anymore no matter how hard she cried or how angry she was. I noticed Candy was really rude to Joe after she hasnt used heroin for a few days and in a way he expected it. The final scene in this section has Candy trying to leave to Iggy so she can get more heroin. Senselessly, she wants to go back to Iggy! The man who wants her dead! Jow would not let her go.

"If you can't be selfish and immature with your big sister, what's the point of having one?" (Brooks 231).

This quote actually made me laugh. I agree with him a lot. My sister and me act so immature together... like i lose all my good behavior when it comes to her. Shes almost seven, I'm fifteen; however we both act like we are five years old. "You did it stop lying to me!", "Na uh you did it I ain't lying!", "shut up!". Even though shes younger I always want to be immature with her and I don't know why. I guess its a sisters duty?
I think a sibling gives you an excuse to be childish and selfish every once in a while.

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